Impactful self-service templates for all your reporting needs.
Our ever-growing library of visually compelling templates and dashboards is at the heart of what makes DataFreedom an indispensable asset. No more boring, quickly outdated tables and static Excel sheets. With DataFreedom, your data comes to life, giving you real-time insights into the state of your business and the path ahead.
With more than a hundred customizable, self-service templates, the possibilities are endless.
The opportunities are endless
Accelerate your data visualization journey with BI tool-agnostic reports and dashboards.
Reports should be as great-looking and easy to use as they are informative. Our extensive and rapidly growing library of interactive templates lets you see your data differently. Property details, rent rolls, lease expirations, accounts receivable, payables, construction forecasts, balance sheets, and more all come to life in beautiful charts, graphs, diagrams, gauges, and heat maps. And because our templates work with your preferred BI tool, including Excel, PowerBI and Tableau, you’ll be up and running in days.
Don’t see the template you need? DataFreedom can build a custom solution to address your unique objectives.

Downloadable as .xlsx files

Downloadable as .pbit files

Downloadable as .twbx files